Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
February 12th, 2007

Valentine’s Day has become so commercialized, like Christmas, that it has lost most of its original meaning. Many are aware that it is a day that is all about “love”. But they believe it is a day that is all about sexual love. Which, although our sexuality can be expressed in love, many times it is not.
The love that Valentine’s Day is meant to express is “Christian Love”, “Perfect Love”. It is an expression of the “Royal Law” which Saint James speaks about it his Letter in the Bible, James 2:10.

Think about this…
If God is Love [1 Jn. 4:8, 16], as we know that He is, then our best “connection” to God is to live in Love. When we “live outside of Love”, through sin, we disconnect ourselves from God… from Love! St. James is saying that when we sin and it “reaches maturity it gives birth to death” [James 1:15]. That “death” is our life, our “connection”, if you will, with God. Remember, God does not disconnect from us, it is us who disconnect ourselves from God by our “Free Will” decision to sin.

Read the whole presentation…

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