Thursday, February 23, 2006

Catholics should be outraged over caricature's of Jesus & The Blessed Mother!

9:59 AM 2/23/2006
Calling All Catholics
I heard a really good homily today at daily Mass. The Gospel Readings were from, The Gospel of Mark 9:41-50. I would like to point out verse 43 in particular.
"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire."
Fr. Sean Shine pointed out that Jesus did not mean this literally, but that he meant we should be willing to stand up for what we believe, no matter the cost. Father pointed to the present day riots of the Muslims over the caricature of The Prophet Mohammed.

He said that while it is terrible that some people are being killed over this, it is right that they should stand up for their belief. Father also said that Catholics should be more like them. Some time ago an artist in New York put an image of Christ in a bottle of his own urine and offered that to the American public as 'art'. Also, there was a portrait of The Blessed Mother covered with cut-outs of pornography, presented as 'art'. With no outcry from the Catholic Church. The American Catholic Bishops did not make one statement! With over 150 million Catholics in the United States we can make an impact!

Here is a link to a group that legally fights anti-Catholicism. The Catholic League.
Here is one on the Muslim caricature from The Catholic League:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The priest said Catholics should be more like the Muslims?? Sounds like "inciting to riot" which is a crime in this country. but stop short of killing, right? gee thanks. I'm sure that if they had their way, Christian fanatics like Pat Robertson would indeed be more like Muslims, and perhaps not stop so short of murder.
As for the art you mention, I have never thought that should ever have been considered anything but the disgusting junk that it is!
As for speaking out or not I generally feel that saying nothing may be better ONLY because you dont want to give negativity any extra publicity, just let it die the normal, quiet death it would have anyway. To speak out against it, only brings it to the attention of the general public that might not otherwise have known about it. This happened recently with a TV show "book of Daniel" that the AFA "beat their breast" & "ripped their garments" over and then were proud of "their" accomplishment when it went off the air after 3 episodes. I however wrote to them and pointed out that the show stunk anyway and might have disappeared sooner had it not gotten the extra publicity and I even sent them a list of recent shows that have disappeared in 3 episodes OR LESS. In fact another NBC comedy that premiered just a week before "daniel", went off the air after just ONE episode. Of course they never replied to me because that doesn't "serve" their purpose, but whatever, I was / am right.
I went to look at the "Muslim caricature" you mention but there was none there at the link you gave. There is a good one here:
and if that doesnt work then it is here along with other "depictions" of "freedom of speech":

Buy something else has been bothering me, IF it is forbidden to EVER depict the prophet Mohammed in any way, even good, then WHO and / or HOW does anyone know what he looked like? And consequently if noone knows what he looked like, then how can a caricature purported to be him, be derogatory? Just because I say its The Prophet Mohammed, doesnt make it so. Maybe THIS is The Prophet Mohammed:

You see at least in Catholicism there ARE "accepted" images of their revered icons, so people can ridicule something concrete, but with Islam there is none so how can it be ridiculed?